How do I get rid of my heel pain?
In order to get rid of heel pain, it is critical to get an accurate diagnosis before deciding what treatment is the best for you. The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciopathy/fasciitis, often mistakenly referred to as “heel spur”.
This condition occurs mainly in runners and the older adults, and may be associated with a biomechanical abnormality, such as excessive pronation or supination. Another common cause of heel pain is fat pad syndrome or fat pad contusion. This is also known as ‘bruised heel’ or a ‘stone bruise’.
At Chadwick Physio, we believe that everyone has a unique foot presentation and problems. Therefore, we have personalized approach to every single patient until we find the most suitable solution for you.
Once our practitioner finds out the exact cause of your heel pain, we will use to most effective treatment modalities to alleviate pain as soon as possible. This include using low-Dye taping/calcaneal taping, individualized strengthening program, silicon heel gel, dry needling, electrotherapy, night splints or a Strasbourg sock.
We often see patients with persistent heel pain (> 6 weeks - 6 months or longer) and most likely have seen multiple practitioners before and have received different treatments such as corticosteroid injection without much success. Therefore, we truly understand the frustration of not getting better. If that sounds like you, come see one of our therapists today and have a chat with us and start getting rid of your heel pain.